Field Sales Application Settings
Dynamics Mobile Field Sales Application has a number of server-side settings, which allows the system administrator to tailor the behaviour of the mobile app in order for it to meet the organization's requirements.
Server-side Settings
Name | Value | Description |
isSignatureRequired | true | false default: false | Displays the POD button on the Order, Invoice and Delivery Confirm Screen |
isSnapshotAllowed | true | false default: false | Displays the POD button on the Order, Invoice and Delivery Confirm Screen |
requireSignature | true | false default: false | Requires the user to provide signature on the Order, Invoice and Delivery Confirm Screen |
requireSignature | true | false default: false | Requires the user to provide image on the Order, Invoice and Delivery Confirm Screen |
isGeoFenceEnabled | true | false default: false | The mobile app will check if the customer is too far away during Visit Start. Works with setting geoFenceDistance |
geoFenceDistance | number default: 0 | Defines the maximum distance in meters allowed from the customer address during Visit Start. Works when geoFenceDistance setting is true |
itemSuggestionsCount | number default: 5 | Defines the maximum number of the suggested items list. |
customerHistoryDocumentsCount | number default: 30 | Defines the maximum number of days to keep document history on the device. Affects the performance and the storage size of the device. |
orderCreditLimitCheckDisabled | true | false default: false | Value of true will disable the Credit Limit Check during New Order -e.g. the user will be able to create New Order regardless of the actual balance of the customer. |
invoiceCreditLimitCheckDisabled | true | false default: false | Value of true will disable the Credit Limit Check during New Sale - e.g. the user will be able to create New Sale regardless of the actual balance of the customer. |
deliveryCreditLimitCheckDisabled | true | false default: false | Value of true will disable the Credit Limit Check during Delivery -e.g. the user will be able to create Delivery regardless of the actual balance of the customer. |
refreshInvOnStartRouteDisabled | true | false default: false | Value of true will disable the automatic inventory refresh during Route Start. Consider setting checkInvOnStartRouteDisabled to true to skip the available inventory check, too. |
checkInvOnStartRouteDisabled | true | false default: false | Value of true will disable the check if here is inventory available in the app and will allow the user to Start the route without available inventory. |
DeviceSetup Settings
Name | Value | Description |
BackEndType | nav | ax | dms | determines the type of the backend nav - the backend is Microsoft Dynamics NAV/BC ax - the backend is Microsoft Dynamics AX2012/D365F&O dms - the backend is Dynamic Mobile Fleet/BizEs |
VehicleNo | string | The vehicle number used for printing and displaying purposes |
Currency | string | Default currency code used for printing and displaying purposes |
SalespersonCode | string | The salesperson username in the backend used for printing and displaying purposes |
SalespersonName | string | The salesperson full name used for printing and displaying purposes |
SalespersonPhone | string | The salesperson phone number used for printing and displaying purposes |
SupportPersonName | string | The full name of the support personnel used for printing and displaying purposes |
InventSiteId | string | The unique identifier of the vehicle's inventory physical site according to the backend |
InventLocationId | string | The unique identifier of the vehicle's inventory physical location according to the backend |
InventWarehouseId | string | The unique identifier of the vehicle's inventory physical warehouse according to the backend |
LoadSiteId | string | The unique identifier of the physical site according to the backend from which the vehicle loads inventory by default. Used in the LOAD feature |
LoadLocationId | string | The unique identifier of the physical location according to the backend from which the vehicle loads inventory by default. Used in the LOAD feature |
LoadWarehouseId | string | The unique identifier of the physical warehouse according to the backend from which the vehicle loads inventory by default. Used in the LOAD feature |
UnloadSiteId | string | The unique identifier of the physical site according to the backend from which the vehicle unloads inventory by default. Used in the UNLOAD feature |
UnloadLocationId | string | The unique identifier of the physical location according to the backend from which the vehicle unloads inventory by default. Used in the UNLOAD feature |
UnloadWarehouseId | string | The unique identifier of the physical warehouse according to the backend from which the vehicle unloads inventory by default. Used in the UNLOAD feature |
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