
DbQuery TypeScript Class Reference


The DbQuery class provides methods to execute data queries against the local (on-device) database. This is the preferred approach to work with local relational data. It is used to DbQuery to select, insert, update and delete business objects.

There are no properties

fields method sets the list of the fields to be returned by the executeSelect method of DbQuery. It provides functionality similar to the SELECT clause in a sql statement.

Allows the developer to define a filter to be applied, when using executeSelect() method. The filter expects the same syntax as WHERE clause in sql statement.

Allows the developer to limit the number of the records returned by the query.

Allows the developer to define the page number to be returned in page indexing scenarios. This make sense only if the limit() method was used.

Allows the developer to define a query group expression to be used. This is the same as in the GROUP BY clause in Sql

Allows the developer to define a aggregate expression to be used. This is the same as in aggregates(max, count, min , avg, ...) in Sql Note that the aggregate() method can NOT be used together with fields() method - e.g. the developer must either fields() or aggregate() methods

Allows the developer to define a sort expression to be used. This is the same as in ORDER BY clause in Sql

executeSelect method performs the actual query execution and returns array of objects, which extends class BusinessObjectBase.

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