
View Typescript Reference

The load method is executed, when the view is instantiated and loaded for first time. The load method will be called before the data binding phase and is the best place to implement any data loading logic. Avoid direct manipulation of UI elements via Dom selectors in this method as they may be be overruled after the data binding phase complete. The load method is called only once during the Tasks life cycle - e.g. if the user navigates back to the same view, the load method will not be called again.

The resume method is executed, every time the view is about to be displayed on the screen, just after the load method has been executed. Note that unlike the load method, the resume method is called every time, when the view is about to be displayed.

The show method is executed, every time the view is about to be displayed on the screen, after the data bind phase finishes. This method allows the developer to implement logic executed after the complete UI of the view has been rendered.

The validate method is executed, every time the system is about to leave the view. This happens when a navigation to another view is about to happen because of call to UserInterfaceService.navigate or UserInterfaceService.launchTask is made. The validate method will be called only if the step is marked as validate=true in the Task Definition JSON File

If the validate method returns false, the navigation process will be cancelled and the current view will stay on the screen. This allows the developer to show error message for example.

The commit method is executed after successful excution of the validate method, every time the system is about to leave the view. This happens when a navigation to another view is about to happen because of call to UserInterfaceService.navigate or UserInterfaceService.launchTask is made. The validate method will be called only if the step is marked as validate=true in the Task Definition JSON File

If the commit method returns false, the navigation process will be cancelled and the current view will stay on the screen. This allows the developer to show error message for example.

The finally method is executed at the end of the navigation process from one view to another view. The "finally" method is called always regardless of the navigation route settings. Can be used to clean up view resources or record the navigation process..

class ViewNavigationState

ViewNavigation class is a helper class passed to the validate, commit and finally methods of the view. The class contains information about the navigation target. It has the following properties:

  • currentTaskId - the id of the current task

  • routeId: string - id of the target route

  • routeTarget: string - the target of the route

  • preserveContext: boolean - true if the navigation to another task will preserve the context

  • isValidating: boolean - true if the route is validating

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