

Unlimited number of alerts

Ability to define interesting events like "new delivery", "new payment", "expiring driving license", etc.

Alerts based on mobile app events

Ability to react on events occured in the mobile apps

Alerts based on ERP events

Ability to react on events occured in the ERP

Alerts based on data changes

Ability to react on data based on scheduled data scans


Unlimited number of notifications

Ability to define who needs to be notified via different channels

Email notifications

Ability to notify via Email channel

SMS notifications

Ability to notify via SMS channel

Viber notifications

Ability to notify via Viber channel

Push notifications

Ability to send push notifications to the Dynamics Mobile Apps

Mobile data wipeout

Ability to send a push notifications to Dynamics Mobile App to wipe out the app's data storage

IM Enrollment

Ability to send IM( Viber ) link on SMS or Email to subscribe the user

Notifications templates

Complex templates allowing the notifications to contain beautiful and data rich messages

Last updated

Dynamics Mobile provided by Mobile Affairs Ltd. | 1712 Sofia, Bulgaria, Alexander Malinov 51 | sales@dynamicsmobile.com