Data binding
declarative rendering of data
Every app needs to present data on screen for the user. While the developer can easily write a code to read data from a data storage and "manually" render it on the screen, Dynamics Mobile SDK provides a faster and more scalable approach. This approach is called "data-binding" and allows the developer to "define" the way the data must be rendered on the screen by using declarative expressions.
So let us have the following view:
Now let us define the view's UI, where we will render the
Take a closer look on line #10. We are defining the following expression: <div class="item-header" data-bind="text: customerName"></div>. The data-bind attribute defines that this DIV's text element must be "bound" to a variable called customerName. The engine will then lookup for a variable "customerName" in the MyView class , and will render the div with text which is contained in the customerName variable.
We are doing the same on line #11 and bind the span element's text to the variable customerAddress.
What we need to make sure here is that we have those two variable exposes as members of the view.
The data-binding expressions in Dynamics Mobile are based on the knockoutjs library Checkout the knockoutjs documentation page for more info
Cheat Sheet
Expression | Description |
data-bind="text: myVar" | Replaces the inner content of the element with the value of myVar member. Throws exception if myVar is undefined or null |
data-bind="text: $data.myVar" | Safely replaces the inner content of the element with the value of myVar member. Does not throw exception if myVar is undefined or null |
data-bind="html: myVar" | Replaces the inner content of the element with the value of myVar member. Throws exception if myVar is undefined or null |
data-bind="value: myVar" | used with <input> element to render the value in a textbox and to write back the changes in myVar |
data-bind="visible: myVar" | shows the element only if myVar variables resolves to true |
data-bind="hidden: myVar" | hides the element only if myVar variables resolves to true |
data-bind="click: myMethod" | will call method myMethod when the user clicks over the html element |
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